FYI, This is My Code of Ethics
- I work within my scope of practice: I am not a medical doctor; I do not prescribe treatments or medications. I am a coach/consultant/healer who is able to offer insights that bridge the spiritual and practical.
- I provide respectful care: I value and honor you as a unique human individual, a sacred being on a sacred journey, with gifts to offer others and our world.
- I commit to accurate disclosure and education: I see my main role as offering insight, education, and empowerment for your journey of becoming.
- I obtain informed consent: I am here to serve your aims, goals, and inquiries, as long as they are not in violation of ethics or laws, and as long as I believe I am truly serving your progress.
- I protect client confidentiality: Our sessions are kept in strict confidence.
- I maintain legal compliance: I am above board in my business practices.
- I commit to professionalism and ethical integrity: I want to be of service, and I believe the best way to do that is to treat our work with respect; this begins and ends with professionalism and integrity.
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