The services to be provided by the coach to the client are face-to-face or telephone coaching, as agreed jointly with the client. Coaching may address specific personal struggles, business issues, or general conditions in the client's life or profession. Other coaching services include value clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operation in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests or suggestions for action. Additionally, the client may be asked to reflect on difficult topics or situations, which may result in an expression of emotions.
Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client understands that successful coaching requires a co-active collaborative approach between client and coach. In the coaching relationship, the coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, but it is the client's responsibility to enact or bring about the change.
If the client believes the coaching is not working as desired, the client will communicate this with the coach as soon as possible and the coaching strategy will be restructured to address the client’s desired outcome of coaching.
You are very much encouraged to talk more with the coach as to receive a better understanding of what coaching is about and how to get the most out of it.