Community Education Registration
Classes Currently Scheduled
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Stop the Bleed/Hands only CPR
Learn to Stop the Bleed and perform Hands Only CPR
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Canceled-October 5th, 1:00pm at Cecil Township Municipal Building
Canceled-Heartsaver AED-Cecil Twp.
CPR and AED for an adult, including: Perform CPR with help from others Give effective breaths using mouth-to-mouth or a mask Learn how to help a choking adult
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Canceled-October 5th, 3:00pm at Cecil Township Municipal Building
Heartsaver AED
CPR and AED for an adult, including: Perform CPR with help from others Give effective breaths using mouth-to-mouth or a mask Learn how to help a choking adult
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No classes scheduled at this time.
Heartsaver AED & First Aid
CPR and AED for an adult, including: Perform CPR with help from others Give effective breaths using mouth-to-mouth or a mask Learn how to help a choking adultFirst aid basics, including: Medical emergencies (such as dizziness, seizures, and low blood sugar) Injuries (such as splinters, bleeding, and bandaging) Poisoning Environmental emergencies
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No classes scheduled at this time.
BLS Provider Course
CPR and AED for adults, children, and infants The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components Effective ventilations using a barrier device Importance of teams in multi-rescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multi-rescuer CPR Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction for adults, children, and infants
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No classes scheduled at this time
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