2023 Spring ALPS Athlete Leader Registration
Please fill out this jot form with which classes you'd like to take. This is NOT set in stone and you can change your mind at a later date.
Athlete information
Please fill out the following information about the athlete and mentor (if applicable) attending this ALPS U
Athlete Name
First Name
Last Name
What area are you from?
Saint Louis
I am a:
New athlete leader
Returning athlete leader
Athlete email
Athlete phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I have a mentor attending with me:
Mentor Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Mentor email (if applicable)
Mentor phone number (if applicable)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency contact person
First Name
Last Name
Emergency contact phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I do not need housing
I need housing
If you do not have a mentor attending with you, do you need transportation to and from the hotel/TLC building? Please note: there will be NO transpiration provided to and from your home. We can only accommodate transportation back and forth from the hotel and the TLC building IF NECESSARY.
I do not have a mentor coming with me and I will need transportation getting to and from the hotel.
My mentor or someone else will drive me to and from the hotel.
Is there anything else we should know about you prior to attending the Athlete Leadership University? (if no, please type NA)
Class Choices
Below are the different class offerings for each session. Please chose ONE class for each session that you would like to take.
Check in
I will be checking in on Friday between 3-5pm at the TLC building and will attend Friday night activities.
I will check in on Saturday morning and will NOT be able to attend the Friday night activities.
Saturday Morning class (8:30am-12:30pm)
Introduction to Athlete Leadership/Understanding leadership (please note: ALL NEW athlete leaders MUST take this course!!! however this is new curriculum and this class can ALSO be taken by returning athlete leaders if they would like to!)
Unified Leadership
Exercise Science
Saturday Afternoon class (1:30-5:30pm)
Global Messenger I
Sunday morning class (8:30am-12:30pm)
Understanding Emotions
Capstone (only for returning athlete leaders who are ready to graduate!)
Global Messenger I (second part of the global messenger class on Saturday)
Social Media & Blogging
Athlete-Leader (WITH housing) fee $60
Athlete-Leader (NO housing) fee $25
Athlete-Leader (Agency Account) $25 or $60 -- Email Kayla if using AA money to pay
Athlete-Leader Scholarship (prior approval required) FREE
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