Spotlight Initiative opinion survey
What is your field of work?
Non-profit: NGO/CSO)
EU institutions
UN organizations
Government (EU)
Government (non-EU)
Communications and Media (Press)
Private sector
Art, Culture and Entertainment
When was the last time you visited the Spotlight Initiative website?
In the last week
In the last three months
In the last twelve months
In the past three months, where have you seen or heard about the Spotlight Initiative?
Friends, family members, or colleagues
Social media
Online video
Our website
I don’t remember hearing about or seeing advertising for Spotlight Initiative in the past three months
How many women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence?
1 in 3 women
1 in 5 women
1 in 7 women
Which TWO harmful practices are Spotlight Initiative’s programmes working to end?
The various taboos or practices which prevent women from controlling their own fertility
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Son preference and its implications for the status of the girl child
Child Marriage
Female infanticide
Nutritional taboos and traditional birth practices
Forced feeding of women
The Spotlight Initiative is focusing its programmatic investments in which five regions?
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Pacific
Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Pacific
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Latin America, Pacific
How would you describe your overall opinion of the Spotlight Initiative?
Extremely unfavourable
Extremely favourable
1 is Extremely unfavourable, 5 is Extremely favourable
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