The full series consists of 8-hours (4 sessions, each 2 hours)
Wednesdays in September 2024.
For: New 4-H volunteer educators serving as project leaders.
To: Learn how to plan and facilitate 4-H learning experiences (projects) with young people in community 4-H club projects, after-school club programs, day camps, special interest (SPIN) clubs, teenagers-as-teachers (teens-as-teachers) programs, and other educational experiences. In the four-part series, 4-H volunteer educators learn about their roles, responsibilities, lesson planning, making learning engaging, working with youth, and effective hands-on learning. Virtual sessions cover content from The UC 4-H Volunteer Educators' Guide: For Volunteers Facilitating 4-H Educational Experiences (published in 2023).
- Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Session 1: Best practices in youth development: Focusing on youth sparks, sense of belonging, and positive relationships with adults. (The 4-H Thriving Model of Positive Youth Development)
- Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Session 2: Learning in 4-H: Facilitating hands-on experiential education and planning your project.
- Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Session 3: Working With All Ages (from 5 to 18) and Abilities (The Ages and Stages of Youth Development)
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Session 4: Creating effective youth-adult partnerships & Working with youth leaders (Junior and Teen Leaders)
See the list of those who completed the 8-hour series (updated April 1, 2024).
Participation: Complete the full four-part series to earn a certificate and 4-H volunteer name badge. They will be mailed to your UC cooperative extension county 4-H office.
For questions, please contact: Steven Worker, 4-H Youth Development Advisor & Chair of the UC 4-H Volunteer Workgroup at