AK Child & Family understands that the decision to apply for services often comes at a time of stress for families. Our goal is to reduce the stress of this time period by providing ongoing communication with families and facilitating as streamlined of an experience as possible. Upon receiving a referral the Director of Admissions will notify you of its receipt and notify you of the Intake Clinical Therapist who has been assigned to screen and process the referral. If at any point you have questions or concerns about the intake process please do not hesitate to contact the assigned Intake Clinical Therapist (907)346-2101 or the Director of Admissions at (907)348-9262.
Release of Information Forms (preferred ones are included in this application)
Copy of School Records (especially IEPs, BIPs and any documentation related to suspensions, detentions or expulsions)
Insurance information (complete attached sheet and provide copy of subscriber's ID, DOB and SSN)
Please direct questions and completed applications to the AK Child and Family Admissions Department at 4600 Abbott Road, Phone: (907)346-2101/Fax: (907)348-9230 Anchorage AK 99507. Referral email: admissionsoffice@akchild.org