Your application to receive Food assistance from Connection Point has been approved!
Pickup is at 103-737 Goldstream Avenue.
You MUST bring government issued identification for yourself, and any other adults in the household. Photocopies on paper, or a photo on your phone are acceptable.
Examples of accepted ID: driver's license, BC Services card, passport, birth certificate, citizenship card.
If your address is DIFFERENT than what is on your ID, you MUST bring additional proof of address.
Examples of additional proof of address: a phone bill, a utility bill, or other mail you've received through Canada Post.
Failure to arrive at your appointment time and/or failure to bring ALL required proof of ID will result in the need to reschedule, IF there is space.
On the following page you will choose your pick up time. Please record your chosen time into your own schedule at home. Reminder emails will be sent the week before, and the day before your pickup time.