The Executive Council of the Medical Student Section shall direct the section activities.
The term of office for Executive Council members shall be one year. The term for these positions begin at the conclusion of TMA's Annual Conference, TexMed, with the exception of the AMA delegation co-chairs. The terms for the AMA delegation co-chairs shall begin at the conclusion of the AMA-MSS Annual Meeting and terminate at the conclusion of the following AMA-MSS Annual Meeting.
Responsibilities of MSS Executive Council Positions
CHAIR - Due April 15
The chair serves as head of the TMA Medical Student Section and presides over the business and executive council meetings.
VICE CHAIR - Due April 15
The vice chair assist the chair and serves as the parliamentarian of the section at all MSS business and executive council meetings. The vice chair also shall monitor the section's operating procedures, and support violations and changes that need to be addressed.
REPORTER - Due April 15
The reporter shall record the minutes of all section and executive council meetings. The reporter shall monitor TMA and AMA electronic communications and assists in increasing access to and promoting awareness and usage of electronic communications to enhance section goals and activities.
Prerequisite: You must have previously served or will serve as chapter delegate or chapter alternate delegate during your term as delegate co-leader.
The TMA delegation co-chairs shall report delegate activities at each meeting of the section and Executive Council, coordinate activities of TMA chapter delegates and alternate delegates including delegate caucuses and make reference committee assignments. The co-chairs shall coordinate the MSS resolution writing process and serve as co-chairs of the Resolution Review Committee.
The AMA delegation co-chairs shall represent TMA-MSS Chapter Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the AMA-MSS, coordinate activities of delegates and alternate delegates, assume responsibility for the delegates' caucus and report and resolution assignments. The co-chairs shall report to the TMA-MSS Executive Council and section members the activities at each AMA-MSS Assembly meeting.
This position's election runs through the TMA House of Delegates (HOD). To receive sections' endorsement for your campaign, submit an application to interview with section leadership. Any student may run without an endorsement. All candidates will need to follow TMA House of Delegates elections procedures with or without an endorsement.
The AMA Alternate delegate interacts and caucuses with Texas physicians as a Texas Alternate Delegate in the AMA House of Delegate. The AMA Alt. Delegate reviews and develops AMA policy with the Texas Delegation and represents the Texas perspective in the AMA-MSS. The AMA Alt. Delegate must attend all Texas Delegation meetings and MSS meetings at TMA conferences and AMA conferences, including the entire 1-week AMA-MSS Assembly and AMA HOD meeting for the Annual and Interim conferences throughout their one-year term.
This position is appointed by the MSS Executive Council (EC).
The TMA student member of the TMA Board of Trustees shall represent the section at TMA Board of Trustees meetings. The student serves for one year to manage business and financial affairs of the association, implement policies of the TMA House of Delegates, establish interim policy of the association between meetings of the House of Delegates, monitor program activities of association councils and committees, and provide the MSS perspective on major TMA decisions in the Board of Trustees. The student representative is responsible for reporting back to the Executive Council and the section on Board of Trustees’ initiatives related to the MSS.