Plot Agreement
Term: 10/1/2024 to 9/30/2025
Gardeners can officially begin gardening after signing this agreement.
I agree to pay 50.00 per plot to cover the cost of gardening and the use of tools and water at The Fruitful Field (TFF) for the 2024-2025 gardening season. Please pay fees at the signing of this agreement. Payment is accepted via cash, check payable to 'The Fruitful Field,' or credit/debit through Square. I understand that plots are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the plot is "as is." Returning gardeners will be given preference but are not guaranteed a plot for the following season. Please get in touch with us if the cost is a hardship to you and your family.
· This is an ORGANIC GARDEN. I understand I may use only organic fertilizers and bug sprays in a controlled manner. Non-organic fertilizers, pesticides, and ''enriched soils'' (e.g., Miracle-Gro) may not be used at any time in the garden plots. Ask other gardeners about organic options for fertilizer and pest control. Any violation of this rule can make my plot subject to immediate suspension.
· I agree to keep my plot and surrounding path in good shape and work on it at least once every two weeks during the primary growing season (October through April).
· I understand that if my plot is not maintained according to garden rules, it will be cleared and reassigned. If no work is done for two weeks, I understand I will have one week to come and tend my garden plot. By the end of that week, if nothing happens, my plot can be assigned to a new gardener without delay.
· I agree that I must keep my planting within the borders of my plot. Any pots and planters outside my area will be discarded without notice.
· I agree not to plant any trees or tall shrubs in my plot, as they can shade other trees
· I will be a good garden "neighbor. For the 2022-2023 season, only "grandfathered" trees are allowed to remain in any plot. Please note "grandfathered trees over 5 ft" on this application. If they are not noted, trees will be removed without further notice.
· Children under 16 years of age must be under adult supervision.
· I understand that TFF staff will handle any disagreements or disputes.
· I understand there is no unattended watering and agree to be responsible for my water usage (no sprinklers).
· Pets are permitted and should be leashed under the owner's direct supervision when others are gardening in the area.
· I understand there is no smoking anywhere in the community garden area on the property.
· I agree not to use any heavy garden machinery, including rototillers, without prior permission.
· I understand there is no guaranteed harvest or return on my gardening investment. Gardening in South Florida is hard work and often, but not always rewarding.
· Any illegal activity or violation of safety rules will cause immediate plot forfeiture.