Female Investors
If you are looking to start equity investing in female-founded businesses or to diversify your current portfolio, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch via email.
What is your name?
First Name
Last Name
What is your country of residence?
Have you invested in startups or private equity before?
Yes, I have recently started
Yes, I have been investing for years
No, I have never invested in startups or private equity before
What type of investments are you interested in making?
Rewards-based funding for female startups
Equity investments in female-run businesses
What sectors of industries to you prefer to invest in?
Consumer goods and retail (eg. fashion, food, electronics)
Energy & utilities (eg. renewable, oil & gas, clean tech)
Real estate
Financial services
Media & entertainment
Education & training
Social impact enterprises
Manufacturing & industrial goods
Hospitality & tourism
How much are you looking to invest?
Between £10-£99
Between £100 - £499
Between £500 - £1,999
Between £2,000 - £9,999
£10,000 plus
What stage of a business are you most interested in investing in?
Pre-seed stage businesses
Seed stage businesses
Early-stage startup (Series A)
Growth Stage (Series B, C, and beyond)
Late Stage / Pre-IPO
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Please tell us why you are interested in investing in female-founded businesses?
Are you happy for us to contact you in regards to equity investing via our platform Femalefunding?
What is your email address?
Should be Empty: