1. There is NO ENTRY FEE, however, you must submit an entry form by Sept 10.
2. A sign with the title of your entry will be provided to you to place next to your display. Signs will be available for pick up at the Todd County Welcome Center on Friday Sept 20.
3. Displays must be located in Todd County, Kentucky.
4. Displays must be visible from a city, county, or state roadway and must not limit vehicle visibility or in any way cause an obstruction to traffic. The road right-of-way must be observed and not infringed upon.
5. Displays located on private ground must have permission of the landowner.
6. Square, round, loaf, or loose hay or straw is acceptable. Decoration materials are not limited in any way whatsoever, so let your imagination run wild! The more cre-HAY-tive, the better!
7. The Bale Trail is a family-friendly event; therefore, all displays must be an appropriate theme or subject. The Todd County Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to exclude any displays that are deemed inappropriate from the Official Map and Fan Favorite Vote.
8. You must submit a digital photo of your display for the Facebook Fan Favorite vote. Simply take the best possible photo of your display and email it to by Friday, Sept 27.
9. At the conclusion of the Bale Trail, each participant is responsible for the removal of their display.
10. PRIZES will be awarded for:
"Most Creative" - One winner will be awarded by judges in EACH of the 4 categories: Mega, Large, Small, and Scarecrow. Displays will be judged on originality, creative use of materials, attention to detail, and overall impression. Most Creative winners will be awarded:
Mega: $500 Cash
Large: $300 Cash
Small: $200 Cash
Scarecrow: $100 Cash
"Fan Favorite" - The displays with the most number of "Likes" on the Todd County Chamber of Commerce Facebook page from Oct 1-25 will be awarded:
1st Place: $300 Chamber Bucks
2nd Place: $200 Chamber Bucks
3rd Place: $100 Chamber Bucks
- Tues, Sept 10: Entry forms must be received.
- Fri, Sept 20: Display signs will be available for pick up at the Todd County Welcome Center, on the Square in Elkton.
- Sat, Sept 21: The Bale Trail officially begins at sunrise. Entries should be completed and on display by that time. Near this date, a panel of judges will tour the county and choose winners for the "Most Creative" awards.
- Fri, Sept 27: Photos for the "Fan Favorite" vote must be received.
- Oct 1-25: Fan Favorite voting via Facebook.
- Thur, Oct 31: The Bale Trail officially ends at sundown. We ask that bales remain on display until then.
12. If you have any questions, please email