DEPOSITS: When required, each service applicant shall deposit a sum equal to the estimated charges for two months' service with the Commission. The deposit shall be held by the Commission as collateral security for the payment of bills, and when the customer ceases to use the service and pays all bills, the deposit shall be returned. The rate shall be equal to the Royal Bank of Canada's average prime rate for the month of January of the same year minus 2.75%. You can pay your deposit by e-transfer at please list your name service address, and date of hook up in your e-transfer message.
CONNECTION CHARGE: A connection charge of $20.00 shall be payable for the initial connection of any electric service and for reconnection after disconnection at the customer's request or for non-payment of bills.
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Bills shall be rendered to each customer at intervals of not more than two months and shall be payable within thirty days after the date rendered. Yoi can pay your Berwick Electric bills by e-transfer at
DISCONNECTION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF BILLS: The Commission shall have the right to discontinue service if a bill remains unpaid more than forty-five days after the date rendered. Each customer shall pay the regular connection charge.