The UC is committed to maintaining, building, and supporting an inclusive, healthy, and safe work environment for all to thrive in. To that end, it has pre-employment processes that gathers information about current or past conduct that may impact a workplace or its members. Within its review, the University will aim to determine whether such conduct has an impact on an individual’s ability to perform the underlying duties associated with their proposed employment at UC.
The submission of this form indicates that you have been informed by the University that you are under serious consideration for work opportunities at UCI. All information received is treated confidentially and will be subject to applicable retention policies. UCI wants to make sure that you understand the questions found on this form. If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the questions or the definitions found below, please reach out to your academic and/or hiring department. Should you require further assistance, please contact
Note: This form page is reserved for graduate students under consideration for employment opportunities at UCI only. If this description does not apply to you, please DO NOT complete this form. You can instead complete your submission here: Thank you.
For purposes of this questionnaire, the following definitions apply:
- Any violation of the policies or laws governing conduct at a previous place of employment, including but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment, discrimination, dishonesty or unethical conduct, as defined by a previous employer.
Decisions include:
Final Administrative Decision: A formal determination made in writing by an official decision maker or office, (such as an employer, state or federal government agency), that concludes a violation of Misconduct was committed by the respondent. Examples include, but are not limited to, findings from an investigative report, the imposition of employment discipline or corrective action, or a documented order/judgement from an administrative hearing or subsequent hearings.
Final Judicial Decisions: A formal determination, judgement, and/or order issued by a judicial, legislative, or government court that concludes a violation of Misconduct was committed by the respondent.
Appeal is defined as:
- A request for a formal review of a Final Decision with a previous employer or government agency, as defined above. Examples include filing a grievance, using an appeal process defined by a policy or agreement, or filing an appeal with an appropriate judicial body or government agency.