Unity Community Centre: Booking Request Form
Thank you for connecting us on booking our community space. The centre has been active in the community for over 7+ years, and we strive to ensure our space is available for community shared use. In order to ensure we are sustainable and efficient in how we operate, please provide your info and we will get back to you as soon as possible. MINIMUM BOOKING 2HRS.
Are you a new or existing customer?
Please Select
I am a new customer
I am an old customer
Is this a one-time booking? Or are you hoping this will become a re-occurring booking?
Please Select
One-Time Booking
Re-Occurring Weekly
Re-Occurring Monthly
A few times/Year
Requested Event Date
Event Start Time (AST)
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Event End Time (AST)
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Total Number of hours requested, INCLUDING Set Up and Tear Down Time (E.g. If your event begins at 12PM and ends at 3PM, but you need 1 hour for set up and 30mins for tear down. Your total time would be: 4.5 HOURS)
Backup Dates (Please provide Alternate dates and time if preference is not available.)
Please indicate organization/Person to be billed. Please write out in full, do not put "Me".
Please select the option that best fits
Please Select
Not-For-Profit (Registered Charity)
Community Grassroots Group
Government & Crown Corporation
For-Profit Company
Individual Community Member
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Other Email Address for Billing Purposes
Home/Office Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Event Type
Please Select
Family/Friends Celebration
Kids Party (0-5 year olds)
Kids Party (6-12 year olds)
Kids Party (13+ years old)
Community Public Events & Workshops
Meetings & Workshops
Other: Please specify at the end of this form
Select Room(s)(The Room Capacity will depend on Set up (E.g. Standing Room Only, Sitting with tables & Chairs, or Chairs Only....etc)
Classroom (~32' x 32') - Classroom Set Up Chairs & Tables (20-50 People)
Classroom (~32' x 32') - Classroom Set Up Chairs Only (20-50 People)
Classroom (~32' x 32') - Board Room Set (8-15 People)
Community Room OR Unity Room (~31' x 54') - Large Event 50-150 People
Wood Working Shop #11
Sewing Room #18 (Large Tables for Easy Measurements)
Pottery Studio #15
Estimated number of guest
Please Select
1 - 5 People
6 - 15 People
16 - 25 People
26 - 45 People
45+ People
Will you be providing your guests with any of the following items.
Meals & Drinks
Light Snacks
Additional Options & Add-Ons: *Some may have costs associated"
$160 Bouncy Castle (+$50 Deposit) For children 2-10 years old)
$35/hour - UCC Staff to assist with Room Set Up/Cleaning, based on schedule & availability
$25/hour - For Bookings of 45+ People with Food/Beverage, an automatic $50 Charge for Cleaning, if this surpases 2 hours, additional charges may be added.
$25 Projector & Screen (Additional Charge)
$25 Smart Board (Additional Charge)
White Board (Bring Own Markers)
Flip Chart Stand (Bring Own Paper & Markers)
Payment Method (Full Payments MUST be received minimum of 1 week prior to event date. Note: Our preferred method of payment would be via Digital Methods such as E-Transfer to keep our transaction fees at a minimum. For bookings, $200 or less, Credit Card Payments may be enabled. A booking confirmation deposit and/or damage deposit may be required on bookings. )
Please Select
E- Transfer (Sent to rent@unitycentre.ca)
Direct Deposit (Info will be shared on Invoice)
Credit Card
Questions & Comments (Is there anything else we should know about your Booking Request? E.g. Age of Attendees, Accessibility Requirement...etc.)
Please Select
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I have read and understood the Unity Community Centre's FAQs & Terms of Use
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