Are You Dealing With Burnout?
See how stress is affecting your energy and your life.
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Sleep, Fatigue, and Energy Levels
Trouble falling or staying asleep
Poor quality sleep (e.g., restless, wake up often)
Tired (so, so tired); run down and drained
Wired… can’t sleep! Running on an invisible hamster wheel!
Rely on caffeine for alertness through the day (e.g., coffee, black tea, energy drinks, caffeine tablets)
Body feels heavy or sluggish
Physical Symptoms
Heart palpitations, racing heart
Tightness in chest or trouble breathing
Stomach upset, digestive issues (e.g., heartburn, gas, irritable bowel)
Headaches, migraines
Jaw pain/tightness; tooth grinding (dentist might notice this if you don’t)
Jumpy, startle easily
Chronic aches and pains (e.g., muscle aches, inflamed joints, back or neck pain)
Irregular, painful, and/or absent menstrual cycles (if you have a uterus and would typically be menstruating)
Feeling spaced-out or dizzy
Hunger and food cravings; emotional eating
Lack of appetite
Poor immunity—you seem to get every bug going around or just feel kind of “off” much of the time
Poor recovery—takes longer to recover from workouts, injuries don’t heal as well, seems hard to bounce back
Inflamed (e.g., flare-ups of allergies, skin issues, joint pain, sinusitis)
Hair falling out
Cognitive / Mental Symptoms
Forgetful or often worry about forgetting things
Hard to concentrate or focus
Feel anxious and/or worry a lot
Feel overwhelmed, and/or frazzled—so much to do/juggle!
Procrastinate and/or avoid tasks
Hard to prioritize tasks or choose what is important to do next
One or more of these thoughts seem familiar:
“Everyone else is the problem. They’re so unmotivated/stubborn/lazy/crazy.”
“My boss/workplace is the problem.”
“Everything around me is broken. Nothing works right. I hate ____.”
“This is all out of my control. So many things need to be fixed, but it’s not my job to do it.”
“I just keep trying and trying, but it’s like being on a hamster wheel. I never get anywhere.”
“I’m fine. This is fine. It’s all fine. I’ll just handle it like I always handle it. Fine. Fine. I’m totally fine.”
Emotional Symptoms
Feel “blank”, emotionless, numb
Feel sad or “down”
Feel trapped and stuck, out of options
Feel pessimistic, discouraged, hopeless, “what’s the point”
Feel resentful, irritable, short-tempered
Feel chronically frustrated; everything around you sucks and people are jerks
Feel disconnected, alienated, alone
Feel like nobody recognizes or appreciates you and/or your work
Feels like nothing you do or are is good enough
Seems like nearly every day is a hard day
Feels like you need something to cope (e.g., drugs, alcohol, eating/not eating, shopping)
Often focused on your shortcomings (e.g., not fit enough, not good enough, not smart enough, not organized enough)
Feel out of control
Trying very hard to control other things—like your body, other people, your routine—but it feels like you’re failing
Relationship Symptoms
Can’t relate to or connect with other people, such as family, friends, coworkers, clients, etc.
Avoid others (e.g., procrastinate contacting clients, keep office door closed to other people, such as family, friends, coworkers, or clients)
Feel like you can’t depend on or trust other people (they screw things up or let you down)
Active conflicts with others at work, home, school, etc.
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