1. Enrolment & Selection
a) The student is responsible for notifying Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia and their partner Wild Education Tasmania if they have a medical condition or disability or require assistance in their training.
b) It is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time and location of the course as advertised.
c) Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled, every effort will be made to contact students, please ensure your contact details are correct.
e) Requests from the student to transfer or credit their course placement due to changed personal circumstances will be considered and every effort will be made to ensure a placement into an alternative course.
f) If you are unable to complete your course, due to changed personal circumstances, the RTO will make every effort to ensure you are placed into an alternative pre-scheduled course.
g) Students can only join after course commencement date if they meet all prerequisites. Full course fees are still payable for late enrolments.
h) The RTO reserves the right to decline admission to a course, terminate a student's enrolment in a class or change a Trainer/Assessor at any time without notice.
i) Students participate in courses involving physical activity; field trips, practical demonstrations etc. and do so at their own risk.
2. Course Fees, Payments and Refunds
a) Each course available through Wild Education Tasmania & PATTA will have its own fee structure. This information is available to students through the WET website, social media platform &/or direct contact via email and phone. Full payment is required to secure your spot on this course. Your spot is not guaranteed until payment has been received.
b) In line with the RTO’s Fee Protection Policy the RTO will not collect more than $1,500 prior to course commencement.
c) Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are assessed as competent in the units completed. The cost of the certificates is included in the course fees.
d) Refunds may be made in the following circumstances:
i. If after enrolling you cancel a course 30 or more days from the start date – you will receive a full refund.
ii. If after enrolling, you cancel a course within 30 days of the start date – you will be charged $100.
iii. If after enrolling, you cancel a course within 14 days of the start date – you will be charged $250
iv. If after enrolling you do not show up to a course – you will be charged the full amount
v. Participants enrolled in training that has been terminated by the RTO
vi. If the participant withdraws from a course or program, prior to course commencement, due to illness or extreme hardship as determined by the RTO
vii. In the event that the RTO fails to provide the agreed services
e) No refunds will be issued once the student has commenced the course
f) Students are responsible for the safe storage of their Certificates and Statements of Attainment. If a student requires a reissue of their Certificate or Statement of Attainment, a certificate re-issue fee of $20 will be charged.
g) If a student is deemed not yet competent on completion of training, they will be offered an opportunity to be reassessed. If a student is deemed not yet competent a second time, they will be given another opportunity for reassessment.
h) If a student is required to be reassessed, they will be provided with further guidance from their trainer prior to reassessment.
i) In most cases there will be no reassessment fee. If a reassessment fee is applicable, this fee will be communicated to the student prior to the re-assessment taking place.
j) If a student is deemed competent in some but not all the units of competencies required, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, and the student will be given a six-month period to undertake reassessment if required.
k) The RTO is responsible for the issuance of AQF certification documentation
3. Cooling Off Period
Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia protects the rights of the learner including but limited to the Statutory requirements for cooling-off periods. Students are eligible to cancel their enrolment by placing a formal notice of cancellation in writing to the RTO Manager (a letter or email is acceptable) within 10 business days of enrolment, unless the student has already commenced the training.
4. Changes to Agreed Services
Where there are any changes to the agreed services that will affect the learner, including in the event of Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia closing down, the RTO will advise the learner as soon as practicable. This includes changes to any new third-party arrangements or a change of ownership or any changes to existing third party arrangements.
5. Consumer Guarantee
Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia guarantees that the services provided by the RTO will be:
a) provided with due care and skill
b) fit for any specified purpose (express or implied)
c) provided within a reasonable time (when no timeframe is set for the training).
6. Complaints and Appeals
If a student is experiencing any difficulties, they are encouraged as a first point of call to discuss their concerns with the Wild Education Tasmania representative. If this does not provide an adequate solution for the student they can contact Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia directly. PATTA administrative staff will make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to seek assistance.
If a Staff member or Student wishes to make a formal complaint they are required to complete a Complaints and Appeals Form, which will be made available by directly contacting PATTA staff. Once the form has been completed, the form should be submitted to the RTO for actioning.
7. Credit Transfer
The RTO recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation. Credit Transfer will be awarded for all units of competencies that directly align with units from the qualification the student has enrolled. Evidence of competences achieved must be supplied for recognition to be processed (i.e. presentation of original certificate or transcript).
Please be aware there maybe restrictions on the credit transfer of first aid qualifications and units due to the 3 year time span on their validity.
8. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
LLN support is available to provide students with advice and support services in the provision of language, literacy and numeracy assessment services. Students needing assistance with their learning is to be identified upon enrolment. Trainers and staff within the RTO can provide students with support to assist the student throughout the learning process.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in Training Packages and accredited course programs. In identifying language, literacy and numeracy requirements, students are required to have basic skills in:
• Count, check and record accurately
• Read and interpret
• Estimate, calculate and measure
All students undertaking a Certificate III qualification or below are required to undertake an LLN Assessment.
9. Support Services
Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage to course completion, through their trainer or RTO staff.
Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia is committed to providing clients requiring additional support, advice or assistance while training. To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, the RTO provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment with the RTO for further counselling and/or assistance.
10. Legislative and Regulatory Requirements
All students will undergo an induction with the RTO, which will include the student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements.
11. Privacy Protection
Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia respects the importance of securing any form of personal information which is collected from the student(s) and/or other Stakeholders. Information collected from students is only utilised for the purpose gathering information on the student as part of their enrolment, training, assessment and certification process. All data is kept securely within either a locked filing cabinet or filed electronically within a password protected database. Chiton Pty Ltd T/as Professional and Technical Training Australia has an obligation under Commonwealth and State legislation to provide information to certain government departments for the purpose of reporting data to the government. On occasion, the government regulatory body will require access to student records for the purpose of auditing the RTO against the Standards for RTO’s. No student files will be removed from the RTO’s site, unless a student is notified beforehand.