Life on the Roller Coaster workshop sign up form
Thank you for your interest in the Life on the Roller Coaster workshop series. This 4-part series will walk you through what life is like raising a child with special needs, the basics of pediatric mental health, how you as their parent/guardian can be Proactive and not Reactive to your child's behaviors and the importance of self-care. All workshops will be led by a certified life coach who is also raising a special needs child. Each workshop will focus on a different topic and provide you with hand's-on techniques that you can use right away. You will also get to meet and interact with other parents/guardians and learn from each other. Once registered for the workshop series, a confirmation email will be sent to you with registration links to choose the date/time that works for each workshop series for you. Please register yourself for each workshop date/time that works best for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to Courtney Willegal at 608.886.6516| * Note to Case Manager: Once a parent is signed up, I will work with you to verify participation in the CLTS program and obtain approval for invoicing.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What county do you live in?
Who is your CLTS case manager/caseworker?
First Name
Last Name
What is the name of the child registered with the Children's Long Term Support Program?
First Name
Last Name
Would you like to add a workshop inspired Keep Calm Tool Kit to your registration? The kit will contain 4 make your own fidgets, 32 resource cards, self-care techniques for you as a parent and a special gift. Each kit is $50 plus tax/shipping. Each week you will make a different fidget at the end of the workshop.
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