Any individual can make nominations for any of the Business Excellence Award categories according to the criteria outlined above for each Award. The nominator should ensure the nominee would show a willingness to participate. Self-nominations are encouraged. Not-for-profit organizations or leaders are also eligible for the Pillars of Our Community Award, Business Ambassador of the Year, Professional of the Year, and Young Professional of the year, unless otherwise indicated.
Previous Award winners are eligible for re-nomination under another category after a wait of three (3) years from the award date and under the same category after five (5) years from the award date. Chamber membership is not a requisite. The business or individual must be based in the Windsor Essex region. Winners of former Company of the year will be eligible for company of the year after five (5) years.
Upon receipt of the nomination, the nominee will be sent a long form to be completed and returned to the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce. The nominee will be asked to provide information on how they meet each of the criteria. The long form will require some investment of time to complete, and all documents and information will be treated in confidence.
Nominees may be disqualified if it is found by the Committee to contain exaggerated or falsified information or charged under any Canadian law. Also, we reserve the right to retract the Award. The Committee may, at its discretion, place a nominee in an Award Category different from the one in which they were initially nominated.
Two ad hoc volunteer judging panels, comprised of a mixed matrix of community members, will complete judging of the Nominees/Finalists in all eligible award categories. No member of the judging panel shall have direct familial or financial involvement with any of the Nominees/Finalists selected.
The judging panel will complete its deliberations and Finalists will be selected based upon who best adheres to the eligibility criteria and the overall goals of recognizing business excellence. Judges may visit the Nominee at their place of business. The decisions of the Judges are final, completely independent and will remain confidential.
Three Finalists will be selected in ten (10) of the Award categories. One winner of each of the Award categories will be announced at the Business Excellence Awards, Thursday, May 15, 2025 at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts. This evening will bring together Windsor and area business leaders for a celebration of Excellence in Business.
The ATHENA Leadership Award recipient will be judged by the ATHENA Committee. The Believe Windsor-Essex Award will be judged by the BEA Committee. The recipients of these two awards will be announced at the BEA Media Conference in January 2025.
Current members of the Chamber Board of Directors, Business Excellence Awards Committee, Judges and Staff are not eligible. Sponsors and their employees are eligible for nominations in any category other than the one they are sponsoring.