Theft Policy:
Wingmom values all of their Independent Contractors, employees, clients and their property, and expects that Wingmom Independent Contractors and employees in turn value the company’s and its clients’ assets. Therefore, Wingmom does not tolerate any theft, or stealing of any kind, including but not limited to: fraudulent timesheet reporting, theft of money, tools, inventory or other items, information or ideas that belong to the company or to a Wingmom Independent Contractor, employee, client, or business partner of the company. As such, we expect all incidents of theft to be reported immediately to Wingmom Admin along with any data or information you have observed or obtained.
Any Independent Contractors and/or employees caught breaking any state or federal law, including theft of private or company property or falsifying timekeeping records, will no longer be permitted to work with Wingmom with no warning given. In addition, a police report may be filed, as well as a potential lawsuit against the Independent Contractor and/or employee with a request for restitution of funds or products, inventory or assets. To prevent Independent Contractors and/or employees from false accusations, we will investigate all claims of theft and discipline any Wingmom Independent Contractor or employee making a false accusation.