A week-at-a-glance calendar of scheduled daily activities (i.e. work, meetings, etc.) must be prepared each week (with Peer Coach) and given to house manager each week by Sunday at 8pm, along with weekly check-in and community service log. Failure to submit online check-in, week at a glance and community service log, will be subject to a fine. These forms help us ensure your status in the program.
· Participants are to be chaperoned while on black out by either a housing team member, more established participant (can counts as CS hours, if not already going there yourself) or an approved chaperone (this is someone related to or personally invested in the participant) they must be approved by peer coach, house manager or program director, and have read and signed chaperone agreement.
· During situations that a participant is on black out and has no one available to chaperone them participants may be allowed to travel alone, this will be a case-by-case basis and must be approved before hand by program director. These exceptions are limited to appointments with probation officers, doc officers or job interviews only! In such situations your whereabouts must be verifiable by a signed time card, failure to do so may result in a written contract, and possible extension of black out period.