Guidance Notes
Targeted Support is available for young people resident in B&NES aged 13-19 (up to 25 with a current EHCP) and can be provided through individual 1:1 support, group work or brief interventions/signposting depending on the assessed needs of the young person. The service is part of the Early Help strategy and will support young people who have an identified need and who are at risk of experiencing poor outcomes, particularly those who aren’t already engaged with alternative local support.
We support young people to move successfully into adulthood by raising their aspirations and confidence and by building their resilience so they can participate in education, employment or training and improve their general wellbeing.
Our Criteria
Young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
YCSW provides support to young people living in Banes who are aged 16-19 or up to 25 if they have a current EHCP and are not eligible for other services.
Young People being at High Risk of NEET
YCSW provides support to young people who are at significant risk of leaving education without a progression plan. This support is for young people who are in years 11, 12 or 13. Please note that they will need to meet a minimum of 3 of our other criteria to be considered. If referring for at High Risk of being NEET, please include what your educational establishment has already done to support the young person in gaining a progression plan. This service is for young people living in B&NES. If they are in year 11 and live outside of B&NES but are educated within, they may be eligible for a short intervention support service for transition purposes, (if they meet our criteria). Please contact us to discuss further.
Young People experiencing Significant Issues
YCSW provides support to young people living in B&NES who are aged 13-18 and are in need of 1:1 targeted support. Please include the main areas of concern and what support you think the young person needs.
We require all our referrals to be discussed and agreed with the young person (and parents/carers if under 14 years old). Our work is based on voluntary engagement and participation of the young person so their input and agreement to the referral is very important.
If you wish to discuss any referral, please email or call 01225 396980 leaving your contact details and one of our team will get back to you.
Data Protection
The information collected by Youth Connect South West will be processed to provide you with support. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) and will only be shared in accordance with your consent, subject to wider statutory safeguarding and legal responsibilities. For further information on YCSW please contact the team on 01225 396980. The privacy notice is available on the YCSW website.