1. In a page or less, describe your conversion experience and present relationship with the Lord. 2. What areas are you presently seeking growth and/or development in your life?
3.Howwould you describe where you are at in terms of spiritual disciplines- - daily time with God, prayer life, reaching out to oth- ers, etc?
4. What are your ministry goals? 5. What expectations do you have concerning staffing at YWAM Ozarks? 6. How did you hear about YWAM Ozarks? 7. Describe your relationship with your local church, pastor or elders, and congregation, including areas of ministry, service and leadership experience. Are they supportive of your involvement in mission work? 8. Describe your experience with public speaking; are you comfortable with it?
Have 9. youhad any mental illness? If so, explain, including medication needed. Are you presently seeing a professional counselor
for any issues? Do you have a need for professional counseling at this time? If yes, for what issues? Have you ever been in a group home living environment or in-patient psychiatric care? If yes, when? 10. Have you ever engaged in drug abuse? Do you use any tobacco products? (cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc If so are you willing to quit? 11. Do you have any difficult situations to deal with in regard to joining YWAM Ozarks staff? How can we pray for you? 12. Do you have any physical disabilities that we should be aware of? If yes, please explain. Are you presently taking any medication or under a physician's treatment? Do you have any special dietary needs? (e.g., vegetarian, food allergies, etc 13. Are you able to work a normal 40 hour week? If not, please explain.