The Kick C@$ Community
Update: The Kick C@$ Community is now live. Check it out here.
At its core, the community is about freely sharing experiences by firm owners and CAS leaders —the wins, the lessons, and even the growing pains—to help one another succeed.
Here's the conceptual framework to start. The feedback from this form will guide the framework:
- Small Group Masterminds: Intimate, focused groups for diving deep into challenges and strategies tailored to CAS growth.
- Large Format Learning: Sessions with expert insights and actionable takeaways to move your practice forward.
- Access to Gurus: Learn from seasoned pros —think of them as your go-to experts for guidance, inspiration, and honest advice.
- Member-Led Content: Real-world advice, case studies, and tips from members in the trenches.
- Connections with Like-Minded Professionals: Build relationships with peers who are crafting similar CAS offerings, creating a powerful network for exchanging ideas, solving challenges, and celebrating successes together.
If you're ready to connect with a CAS-only community where you can grow, learn, and contribute, express your interest below. Let us know what you'd love to learn about—your input will shape this community into something truly special!