Cowboy Country Horse Sale ~ Trade Show Rules and Regulations
Arrival: Prior to setting up your booth, report to Trade Show Coordinator, Lexi Bauder at the Trade Show Table; located in the Central Pavilion. Space verification will be available at that location. All booths must be paid in full– NO EXCEPTIONS.
Set-up and Driving in the Building: Please let Lexi know when you plan on setting up. If you’re planning on selling out of a trailer we ask that you arrive in the time allotted Thursday morning, this will help out our skidsteer driver that will be backing your trailer in. Vendors will be allowed to drive inside Central Pavilion to unload on Thursday ONLY. No vehicles will be allowed in Central Pavilion for set up at any other time. Vendors will be allowed to drive inside Central Pavilion at the end of the show for tear down. **Weather Dependent**
Vendor is responsible for providing all necessary setup equipment and labor (i.e. blue painters tape, extension cords,etc.). CCHS will not be responsible to find laborers. Vendor agrees that signage may be taped to an appropriate space, as identified by the CCHS. Only blue painters’ tape may be used to adhere signage to surfaces. Gaff tape maybe used on concrete floors. Vendor is responsible for removal of all adhesive products.
Parking: There will be NO PARKING on the North or East side of the Central Pavilion during the Trade Show (March 14th - March 15th). All Vendor must park in the West parking lot. No one will be allowed behind the Central Pavilion to start loading until 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 16th.
Liability and Indemnification: Vendor warrants by authorized signature on Trade Show Contract that CampbellCounty, CAM-PLEX and the Cowboy Country Horse Sale, its board members, staff and sponsors are not responsible for any injury, loss, theft or damage which may occur to the Vendor, his employees or his property from any cause whatsoever, nor for mail sent to CAM-PLEX. The Vendor expressly release Campbell County, CAM-PLEX and the Cowboy Country Horse Sale, its board members, staff and sponsors from all claims for loss, theft, damage or injury.
Insurance – Mandatory: It is mandatory that all Vendor participating in the Cowboy Country Horse Sale Trade Show provide the CCHS with evidence of General Liability insurance certificate, at least thirty (30) days prior to the event, evidencing a minimum of $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage, including products liability, which names Campbell County and Cowboy Country Horse Sale as additional insured with the terms of coverage to include move-in and move-out dates. The certificate must provide for a 30-day written notice of cancellation or reduction in limits to the CCHS. The certificate must be exactly as specified above or the contract will be cancelled. All Vendor must provide proof of coverage or they will not be allowed to participate. Vendor is not covered under Campbell County or Cowboy Country Horse Sale’s insurance program. If a Vendor does not have their own insurance coverage; they may request assistance in obtaining a General Liability Policy. Vendor will absolve Campbell County and/or CCHS from any act or omission in facilitating such insurance. Campbell County and/or CCHS only offers this service as a courtesy to the Vendor. Neither Campbell County nor CCHS act as insurance agent or broker in any way. Campbell County and CCHS do not assume direct or third-party responsibility, liability, or costs for such courtesy.
Exhibit Space: All personnel, merchandise and equipment must remain inside the assigned space. Soliciting in areas other than leased space is strictly prohibited. No PA system, loudspeaker, amplifier, broadcasting device, music or other objectionable method shall be used by the Vendor if it interferes with other Vendor, management or patrons.
Exhibits must be removed by 5:00 pm on Sunday, March 16th, 2025.
Security: Security will be provided for the indoor booths in Central Pavilion on Friday March 14th & Saturday March 15th from 8 pm to midnight. The building will be locked up each night, however, it is not guaranteed by Show Management. All property of Vendor is understood to remain in the Vendor’s care, custody, and control in transit to and/or from and/or within the confines of show grounds. The safety of Vendor’s property is not guaranteed by the Cowboy Country Horse Sale, Vendor are encouraged to use their own discretion when leaving valuables. .
Refunds: No refunds of payments will be made on cancelled contracts after March 1st, 2025. Payments on the space cancelled prior to March 1st, 2025 will be refunded only IF space is resold.
Internet Service: Free WIFI service is provided inside the Central Pavilion.
No Exclusivity of Product/Service: The Cowboy Country Horse Sale does not guarantee Vendor exclusivity of product or service. Acceptance of this Agreement and/or the presence of a product or service at the Cowboy Country Horse Sale Trade Show, does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products, equipment, or services.
Rights of Management if Show is Not Held: The Cowboy Country Horse Sale is not liable for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by Vendor should the show be delayed, interrupted, cancelled, or not held as scheduled.
Display Vehicles: Liquid or gas fueled vehicles, RVs, tractors, boats, or other motor craft must have fuel tanks with factory designed gas caps and contain only a minimum amount of fuel while on display in any CAM- PLEX facility per fire code regulations. No fueling or defueling of any fuel tank is allowed while the vehicle is inside a CAMPLEX facility.
UPS/Fed Ex/Package Delivery: The Cowboy Country Horse Sale will not be responsible for any shipments shipped to the grounds.
Food: Vendor selling or giving away food items may not compete with concessionaires without receiving approval from the Trade Show Coordinator. Drinks of any type may only be sold by approved concessionaires. Vendor selling or giving away food and concessionaires are required to obtain and display a food permit. No walking concessions will be allowed.
Contracts: All Vendors must have a fully negotiated contract. The Cowboy Country Horse Sale reserves the right to determine the final location of any exhibit. Vendors are prohibited from assigning, subletting, or transferring space allotted to them.
Other: Literature may only be distributed from the Vendor’s booth location. No walking around, handing out literature, or selling items outside the booth is permitted. Vendor and their employees or volunteers are required to portray an image of professionalism. This includes clean clothing, good hygiene, and professional mannerisms. We appreciate your cooperation, as we do not want to restrict your services due to an inappropriate situation, presentation or a complaint.
Persons found to be in violation of any of the Trade Show Rules & Regulations may be ordered off the grounds.
Campground: Camping is available in the Windmill Campground which is right across the street to the North of Central Pavilion. Camper Spaces are $45/Night. Please contact Lexi Bauder 307.299.3771 for more information about renting a camper space.
Rights of Management if Show is Not Held: Campbell County and the Cowboy Country Horse Sale are not liable for any damages or expense incurred by Vendors should the show be delayed, interrupted, cancelled, or not held as scheduled.