Below are the guidelines to assist you with the completion of the paperwork necessary to apply for the patient emergency fund.
Applications may be sent to:
Mail: Alisha Patel
5171 Glenwood Ave, Suite 401
Raleigh, NC 27612
Fax: 919-784-0416
- All questions must be answered in order to be considered for fulfillment.
- Applications must have the patient's signature and a signature from the healthcare facility.
- One healthcare facility contact may refer up to 2 patients in need.
- Once we receive applications, please allow up to 2 weeks for the application to be processed and mailed.
- After the application is processed and approved, a check for $100 will be mailed to the patient’s address. LCI will email the healthcare provider to notify when the check has been mailed.
Patient Emergency Fund Guidelines
- Applicants must be a resident of North Carolina.
- Applicants must currently be in treatment for lung cancer.
- Please submit applications by email, mail, or fax, utilizing the contact information above.
- Stipends are available until funds are depleted. Priority will be given to patients living in the most distressed counties as indicated by NC Commerce’s County Distress Rankings and the patient’s demonstrated need.