Check Captain:
Drive AMA rented Sprinter Van to and from checks
Has a good understanding of the ISDE rules
Get gas and food for your check (funds provide by the AMA)
Responsible for maintaining records of expenses and receipts
Helps guide additional support crew
Special Test Captain:
Take small easy up to and from special test
Take water for the riders to and from special test
Has a general understanding of the ISDE rules
Helps guide special test workers
Check Support:
Has an understanding of ISDE rules
Help riders with things you are allowed help with (i.e., gas bike and hand them tools)
Help riders fill drink packs, clean goggles, hand them food
Clock person - remind riders how much time they have
Special Test Support:
Hold rider’s jackets, tool belts, drink packs, ect. when the riders are in the special test (this applies to all riders not just your rider)
Record times of our riders and some competitors from the special test clocks
Communicate issues in the special test to other riders and/or race management