The Adopter(s) of the animal identified above in this AniMeals Animal Adoption Contract understand, agree, and heretofore promise to forever release, indemnify, and hold harmless AniMeals, or any of its agents or representatives from any and all claims, damages, costs, expenses, and causes of action arising out of any injuries or damages caused by the adoption of this animal. Adopters also understand that AniMeals will not be responsible for any medical care or costs required for the adopted animal from this day forth. In addition, Adopter(s) agree that AniMeals, its agents or representatives, cannot be held responsible for the behavior, health or disposition of this animal. AniMeals makes neither warranties nor guarantees as to the physical, medical or behavioral condition of this animal, its background or its suitability or compatibility. Adopter(s) releases AniMeals and all its agents or representatives from any and all responsibility with regard to this adoption, which Adopter(s) undertake voluntarily and with full knowledge of the above release and its implications.