In a single document, please provide a description of the project, indicating its expected achievements and showing what you and the host institute are expected to gain from the work. The write-up must include the following headers and must answer the questions posed within each header. (The word count for the research proposal does not include the appendices).
Objectives: What are you going to do?
Background and Rationale: Why is it important? Why should it be done now and at this particular host institute?
Relevance: How does the proposed research activity/work ‘fit’ with the goals of SCAR?
Methodology: How are you going to do it?
Deliverables: What do you expect to achieve?
Success Factors: What will show if the project has succeeded?
(i) How much money is required, and how will it be spent?
(ii) Are you able to obtain additional financial support – if so, how much and from where?
References cited (Attach as Appendix 1, maximum 1 page)
Illustrative material - tables and figures (Attach as Appendix 2, maximum 1 page)