I hereby grant permission to allow my child to participate in activities (i.e. practice, tournaments, etc) as sponsored by Glenwood Gladiators - Trench Mob Big Man Team.
Furthermore, I hereby release the Glenwood Gladiators organization, it’s officers, agents, and coaches from any legal or financial responsibility resulting from actions of, or injury to my child while engaged in any or all of these sponsored activities (i.e. practices, games, competitions). It is my understanding that every registered participant will be covered by their own personal insurance.
I also certify that my child has NO HEALTH OR PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENTS which will hamper his/her ability to perform as a player/cheerleader or cause his/her participation to be unsafe to themselves or other participants. If there are any health/physical problems the Glenwood Gladiators staff should be aware of please indicate below.