The Professional Education and Reimbursement for Licensure (PEARL) Program entitles qualified applicants to receive reimbursement on the cost of continued education (CE/CEU) instruction that is required to maintain career credentials/licensure.
Applicant Eligibility:
1. Applicant must be a dependent with a sponsor assigned to, living in, and working in the USAG Bavaria Tower Barracks or Rose Barracks Military Communities.
2. Applicant must be a dependent that has accompanied their sponsor and is living in the USAG Bavaria Tower Barracks or Rose Barracks Military Communities.
3. Applicant and Sponsor must both possess valid military identification cards.
4. Applicant must have a valid license or certificate for a career field that requires continuing education unit (CE/CEU) to maintain credentials.
5. Applicant can only receive one credit through the PEARLS Program per
board year(June 1- May 31).
How it works:
1. The applicant must purchase the continued education instruction needed to be complete required credits using their personal funds.
2. The applicant must submit an online application package to the BCSC within
thirty (30) days of instruction completion, including all required documentation.
3. The application package consists of:
- Copy of the applicant's valid career certification or license.
- Copy of receipt of purchase for CE/CEU instruction.
- Documentation of successful completion of CE/CEU instruction with
completion date and applicant name.
- Documentation from applicant's certification or licensing organization showing the requirement to complete the CE/CEU instruction to maintain career credentials.
- Copy of orders assigning applicant and their sponsor to the USAG Bavaria Tower Barracks and Rose Barracks Military Community.
- Applicant certifies that no additional reimbursement is received for the
CE/CEU instruction from an employer or other funding source.
4. The BCSC will issue a credit of up to $300.00, not to exceed the purchase price of the CE/CEU instruction, until funds are exhausted.
5. If the receipt of the CE/CEU instruction shows a purchase price in Euro, the conversion rate will be determined via the website for the day of purchase.
6. Checks will be issued by the 10th of the following month and will be mailed to the applicant.
If you have any questions, please email