2025 Gallup-Croze Scholarship Application
Established in 1979, The Charlotte Gallup Croze Revocable Trust outlined philanthropic initiatives all over the Denver Metro area. The Croze family members were very charitable, with an eye toward long-term sustainability and in the Trust, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado (BBBSC) was identified as a beneficiary. The Croze family directed BBBSC to distribute the funds via scholarship awards to outstanding Little Brothers and Little Sisters each year, particularly those with financial barriers, for their pursuit of either high school or post-secondary education. The awards were to be known as the “George H. Gallup Memorial Scholarship Awards” in memory of the father of Charlotte Gallup Croze, George H. Gallup. Throughout his life, Mr. Gallup demonstrated untiring efforts and a deep devotion to the Little Brothers and Little Sisters in the BBBS organization in Denver, Colorado. This scholarship honors his affinity and passion for the youth of Denver.
In March 2023, the name of the scholarship was changed to the “Gallup-Croze Memorial Scholarship” to better reflect the dual-philanthropic generosity of both Charlotte Croze Gallup and her father, George H. Gallup. BBBSC and its stakeholders are forever grateful for the contributions of George H. Gallup and Charlotte Gallup Croze to the mission of BBBSC and their investment in BBBSC Littles/Mentees.
Through this current application process, BBBSC will award at least three Gallup-Croze Memorial Scholarships in the amount of five-thousand dollars ($5,000) each for the 2025-2026 school year. Applicants must be in their senior year of high school and plan to pursue continued, post-secondary education in the fall of 2025. Awards will be made to a high school senior affiliated with any Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado Mentoring Program. This applies to current or former Littles/Mentees in the Community Based, School Based, or Site Based programs. The applicant’s post-secondary education plan may include attending a four-year, two-year or trade program at an accredited college, university, community college, or vocational school. Scholarship award checks will be sent directly to the school.
Completed applications must be submitted no later than midnight on
May 15, 2025
. Late applications will not be considered.
Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Gallup-Croze Scholarship Committee. Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for a scholarship.
Submit a complete application packet by the deadline.
A high school senior with cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Demonstrated, active involvement in a Big Brothers Big Sisters Colorado program for at least one year. This includes all Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado affiliated programming.
The complete submission of both writing prompts in the application.
The acceptance and enrollment in a program at an accredited post-secondary institution. Four-year, two-year, or trade programs, so long as they are accredited, are acceptable. Students do not need to be accepted and enrolled at the time of application but must be enrolled at the time the check is sent to the attending school. In the absence of an acceptance letter, applicants may send a list of schools they have applied to and are awaiting response.
One (1) Letter of Recommendation from a Big, Lead Program Coordinator, other adult mentor, or coach/teacher at the applicant’s current school. Letters of recommendation from family members are NOT acceptable. Letters of recommendation should speak to the applicant’s overall character and include two specific examples of how/when the applicant demonstrated positive character traits. Letters of recommendation should not be more than 2 pages in length and should not be shorter than a half-page.
Completed Scholarship Application (this document, starts page 4), including a complete and thorough response to both essay questions. Use a separate page if you must, so long as the application submission comes in a single, PDF document.
Letter of Recommendation from a Big, Program Coordinator, other adult mentor, or coach/teacher at the applicant’s current school.
Copy (scanned or photocopy is fine) of post-secondary acceptance letter.
Copy (scanned or photocopy is fine) of post-secondary financial aid award letter.
Unofficial high school transcripts stating applicant’s current, cumulative GPA.
Scholarship funds can be used for:
Tuition and fees required to enroll or attend an eligible institution, and
Course related expenses, such as fees, books, supplies and equipment that are required of students during for course work.
Scholarship funds can be used at a four-year, two-year or trade program at an accredited college, university, community college or vocational school.
Payment will be made by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado directly to the school office. Payments
will not go
directly to families or students.
The scholarship award is contingent upon acceptance to the program or school to which you have applied. Funds will not be paid until an official notification of acceptance and class registration/ enrollment has been verified.
Scholarships that go unused or unclaimed for one academic school year without an update or explanation from the recipient will be automatically reclaimed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado.
Applications must be submitted via email, as a PDF document, to the Student’s Program Specialist/Program Coordinator at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado by midnight on Friday, April 25, 2025.
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado selection committee will review applications and determine award finalists no later than midnight on Friday, May 30, 2025.
If you have questions or need clarification, please contact your Program Specialist/Coordinator.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Information
Which BBBSC Program(s) are you involved:
Please Select
Who is your Big, Mentor Coach:
Who is your Program Specialist/Coordinator?
How did you find out about the scholarship?
Academic Goals and Information
Provide information about the accredited schools you have applied to and have either been accepted to or are awaiting acceptance to:
School Name (First Choice):
Intended Major:
Annual Cost of Tuition:
As of the date you are submitting this application, have you been accepted to this school yet?
School Name (Second Choice):
Intended Major:
Annual Cost of Tuition:
As of the date you are submitting this application, have you been accepted to this school yet?
Essay Question: In 350 words or less, describe the kind of mentor you hope to become 15 years from now. Who do you envision mentoring, and why?
In 350 words or less, please reflect on how this quote relates to your experience in BBBSC programming: “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”– Oprah Winfrey
Upload letter(s) of recommendation, unofficial transcripts, post-secondary acceptance letter, and financial aid award letter here:
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Scholarship Submission Check List
Letter(s) of recommendation
Unofficial high school transcript, stating cumulative GPA
Post-secondary acceptance letter
Post-secondary financial aid award letter
Should be Empty: