You will need to fill out an individual registration form. A link to thr individual registration form will be automatically sent to your email once you submit this form.
They will need to fill out an individual registration form. A link to thr individual registration form will be automatically sent to your email once you submit this form.
Option A is for our highest quality lodging, Lakeside Lodge or a Cabin.
Option B is for lodging in Olympic Inn.
Option C is for lodging in Cedar Village which is considered rustic cabins.
This year we are using the same registration system as last year. As a reminder, the men of your church will register with, and pay the camp directly. You will have access to the information of those that register with your church. Upon receiving this form, I will be contacting you in order to assist in the set up of your group account. The process will take about 20 minutes. At the time of set up you will have an option to pay your group deposit via credit card. You can pay at the time of set up or have your church can write and send a check to camp. Registrations are fisrt come first serve for churches and individuals.
Call the camp office at 360-357-8425, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.