Person Centered Thinking and Practices for Brain Injury Waiver Providers
Brain Injury Waiver Provider Resource Page
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Pre Test
Post Test
1. What does person centered thinking mean?
The person is physically in the center of the room thinking about whatever they want
It focuses langugage, values, and actions towards respecting the views of the person and their loved ones
The act of the person being centered or have a reference point or a place to come back to when life's challenges and emotions push you off balance.
None of the above
All of the above
2. What is level 1 change?
Any change an organization/program/agency makes in its' practices, structures, or rules, that results in positive differences in the lives of people (individual engaged in services, their families/caregivers/those who provide services within the organization)
Any changes in practice, structure and rules made at the system level. These changes have effect on many organizations, and therefore, many people.
Any change that results in positive different in the lives of people you support, or in your own work life
None of the above
All of the above
3. What is discovery/listening skills?
An intentional approach to developing positive relationships and keeping the same person and those who care most at the center of the decision-making
A technique that is used in counseling, training, and solcing disputes or conflicts.
Focusing on feelings and thoughts in the moment, and without judgement
Focusing on how both thoughts and behaviors affect outcomes
4. What is the connection between important to, and important for?
There will always be an equal balance between the two
There will always be a trade off
No one does anything that is important for them (willingly), unless a piece of it is important to them
None of the above
All of the above
5. What is a one-page profile?
A snapshot of important to, important for, and ways to support the individuals
An outline of a persons face as seen from one side
A website that only contains one HTML page
A collection of investments
Brain Injury 101 Post Test
The following questions are specifically for the post test. Please let us know how you enjoyed the presentation, and any areas to highlight or improve
Was there any information from the presentation that you found interesting or would like further information on?
How helpful was the information that was presented? Please describe
Is there anything in the training/presentation you would recommend to be presented differently?
Any additional feedback you would like to give us
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