All students must complete and return this form before they are allowed to drive to school. Students must also attach a copy of his/her driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance to this form.
It is the student's responsibility to update the information contained on this form. This form must be completed and submitted to the school office before a student drives to school. Failure to abide by the requirements will result in the delay or suspension of driving privileges.
Driving Regulations
- Students must provide a copy of his/her insurance to the school office.
- Students must adhere to our closed campus policy and may not drive on or off campus during school hours without written parental permission confirmed by the school office.
- Parents/guardians of a student who wishes to drive to school must sign below indicating their permission has been granted for their son/daughter to drive to and from school. If student passengers are to be carried in the vehicle their names must also be listed on this form.
- If the passengers in a vehicle driven by a student are not siblings of the driver, a note must be provided from the parents of the passengers permitting for their children to travel in the car with a student driver.
- No other student(s) may be in the car without a signed parental approval on file in the front office. This includes driving while on field trips or driving before or after school.
I have read and understand the regulations for student driving listed above. I agree to abide by these regulations and understand that any violation may result in disciplinary action, including the suspension or revocation of driving privileges.