We encourage parents to volunteer for Bharatiya Vidyalaya program. Our experience shows that students whose parents volunteer, excel in their class. Please download the Volunteer Appication Form from the link below, print it and send a scan by email to bccvidya@gmail.com
Waiver and Release:
I understand that one of the child’s parents is required to be available in the premises throughout the duration of the child’s presence in a Bharatiya Vidyalaya activity.
I understand that Bharatiya Vidyalaya takes photographs/videos of Vidyalaya activities involving students. Some photographs/videos may capture a student’s participation, directly or indirectly. These photos/videos may be published through Bharatiya Vidyalaya, Bharatiya Cultural Center or Bharatiya Temple website, emails, brochures, social media pages and ads.
In consideration of your accepting my child's participation in the above program, I hereby, for myself and my child, waive and release Bharatiya Temple, Bharatiya Cultural Center, and Bharatiya Vidyalaya and their officers, trustees, volunteers, teachers and members, and all other persons participating in the program, or involved in planning or execution of the program, from all liability or claims arising from any injury to myself, my child, or my property.