To ensure the safety and health of my child I, the parent/legal guardian of (minor’s name), agree to the release and discharge Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley, its officers, employees, and agents, from any liability resulting from loss, injury, or damage to the named persons or property as a result of their attendance at, or participation in all church-organized functions, except the activities deemed hazardous to my child’s health/welfare per my child’s medical physician. I hereby give my consent to the physician selected by the Staff Minister (or his/her representative) to arrange for medical and dental care, and to give oral or written consent on my behalf for medical or dental treatment, including surgery deemed necessary by the licensed physician for my child named above. This authorization is given pursuant to Section 25.8 of the Civil Code of California. In consideration for being permitted to engage in church-organized functions, I agree that my child named above will abide by all expressed rules and requirements for the activities. This authorization shall remain effective for the entire calendar year unless sooner revoked in writing and delivered to Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley.