Event Servant Sign-Up
Please answer the questions below so we can contact you about serving at the upcoming event.
How old are you?
I am over 18 years old
I am under 18 years old
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent's Name (if under 18)
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Phone Number
Please select the event which you are signing up to serve.
A Sweet Return - Saturday, March 15th
A SWEET RETURN: Do you currently serve in any of the following areas in Kids Ministry? (Select all that apply)
Nursery (0-2 yr olds)
Pre-K (3 & 4 yr olds)
K – 3rd Grade
4th – 6th Grade
Special Needs
Kids Check-In
Kids Office
Worship / Tech Arts
A SWEET RETURN: Is there a particular area where you would like to serve during the event? (Select all that apply)
Set-Up & Tear-Down
Decor & Activities
Food & Hospitality
Kids & Event Support
A SWEET RETURN: Set-Up & Tear-Down
Area Prep (moving tables, chairs, props, etc.)
Area Tear-Down (resetting rooms/spaces, removing & storing decor, etc.)
A SWEET RETURN: Decor & Activities
Décor Prep (blowing up balloons, putting up décor, setting the photo ops, etc.)
Activity Prep (readying games, soft play, etc.)
Help Lead Activities
A SWEET RETURN: Food & Hospitality
Food Prep (preparing snacks, lunch, etc.)
Serving Food
A SWEET RETURN: Kids & Event Support
Guide Kids
Registration Table
Help Check Kids In
Lead Kids in Worship
Assist Tech in the Banquet Hall
Take Photos and Video During the Event
A SWEET RETURN: We encourage all servants to commit to the full event, including set-up and tear-down (8:00am - 3:00pm). However, if you are unable to serve the entire time, we ask that you prioritize either set-up or tear-down. Please select your availability:
I will be available to serve for the entire event (8:00am - 3:30pm).
I will only be available to serve for set-up and the event itself (8:00am - 2:30pm).
I will only be available to serve for tear-down and the event itself (9:30am - 3:30pm).
A SWEET RETURN: There will be a servant meeting on Sunday, March 9th, at 1:00 PM in Room 207. Will you be able to attend?”
Yes, I believe I will be able to attend.
No, I won't be able to attend.
A SWEET RETURN: If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to include them here:
Reminders: We will meet in the Banquet Hall at 8:00 AM for prayer and final instructions before preparing each area for the event. Please wear your Kids Ministry lanyard.
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): Rehearsals will be from 1-2pm in the Mini Chapel on Sundays, November 17th & 24th, and December 1st & 8th. Are you available to assist with all rehearsals?
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): Please select the rehearsals you are available.
Sunday, November 17th
Sunday, November 24th
Sunday, December 1st
Sunday, December 8th
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): Please select the rehearsals you are available.
Sunday, November 17th
Sunday, November 24th
Sunday, December 1st
Sunday, December 8th
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): There will be a total of 3 CCCV Kids Christmas Choir Performances. Which performances are you able to assist with?
I can assist with all performances
Christmas Courtyard Celebration - Wednesday Night, December 11th
Chino Youth Christmas Parade - Saturday Morning, December 14th
The Shoppes at Chino Hills - Sunday, 3:00pm, December 15th
Youth Christmas Cookie Fellowship: Set-up and tear-down are essential to ensuring our event runs smoothly. Are you available to serve from 2:30pm to 6:00pm to assist with set-up, event activities, and tear-down?
Yes, I am available from 2:30pm to 6:00pm
No, I am not available the entire time
Youth Christmas Cookie Fellowship: We’d love to have your support for the entire event duration, but partial availability can also help! Please specify your available time? (e.g., 2:30pm to 5:30pm)
TOUR OF ISRAEL FOR KIDS: Set-up and tear-down are essential to ensuring our event runs smoothly and that the space is prepared and restored for both our activities and the next ministry that will use it. Are you available to serve from 6:30am to 3:30pm to assist with set-up, event activities, and tear-down?
Yes, I am available from 6:30am to 3:30pm
No, I am not available the entire time
TOUR OF ISRAEL FOR KIDS: We’d love to have your support for the entire event duration, but partial availability can also help! Please specify your available time? (e.g., 6:30am to 12:00pm)
TOUR OF ISRAEL FOR KIDS: Is there a specific area you would like to serve in? Please select the role(s) that interest you:
Tour Guide: Help groups of kids navigate the event, providing them with information, guidance, and excitement as they "tour" through the themed areas on campus.
Tour Actor: Dress in themed attire and help bring the experience to life by portraying various figures or characters that the kids will encounter on their journey.
Kitchen Assistance: Support meal preparation and serving times, ensuring kids and servants have refreshments and meals as scheduled.
KidCheck Check-In Stations: Assist families with check-in at our KidCheck stations, ensuring a smooth and welcoming start for each attendee.
General Event Assistance: Step in where needed to support any area of the event, from helping kids move between stations to assisting with activities and keeping the event running smoothly.
Worship Team: Assist the Kids Worship Leader with leading kids of all ages in worship.
Tech Assistance: Assist the Staff Tech with audio and visual equipment needed to support the event.
Photographer: Capture moments throughout the event, focusing on candid interactions and special highlights to help remember the day.
Have you previously served in this role at past events?
Yes, I have experience in this role
No, this will be my first time serving in this role
Is there a particular age group you would like to serve with?
Nursery (0-2 yr. olds)
Pre-K (3 & 4 yr. olds)
Primary (Kinder - 3rd Grade)
Route 456 (4th - 6th grade)
Special Needs (Kids, Teens, and Young Adults)
Will you have a child attending this event? If so, please make sure to register them for the event through the link on the Tour of Israel event webpage.
SHINE! With what age group would you like to help during the service?
Nursery (0 - 2 yr. olds)
Pre-K (3 & 4 yr. olds)
Primary (K - 3rd Grade)
Route 456 (4th - 6th Grade)
Special Needs
TRUTH SEEKERS Which ministry?
Kids Ministry
TRUTH SEEKERS Do you currently serve in a ministry at CCCV?
TRUTH SEEKERS Are you a parent of a child attending the Overnight Adventure?
TRUTH SEEKERS Please share with us why you are interested serving at the Overnight Adventure. What interests you the most?
TRUTH SEEKERS Is there a specific area you would like to serve in?
Kids Group Counselor
Worship Team
KIDS APOLOGETIC FORUM Are you available to serve from 8:30am to 12:30pm?
Yes, I'm available and would like to serve.
Chino Fireworks Spectacular: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
Set-Up (11:30am-1:00am)
Booth Interactions - 1st Shift (12:30pm-2:00pm)
Booth Interactions - 2nd Shift (2:00pm-3:30pm)
Booth Interactions - 3rd Shift (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Booth Interactions - 4th Shift (5:00pm-6:30pm)
Booth Interactions - 5th Shift (6:30pm-8:00pm)
Tear-Down (7:30pm-9:00pm)
Chino Fireworks Spectacular: Please select any of the booth interactions you are interested participating in.
Face Painting
Balloon Creations
Information Booth - (offer prayer, distribute flyers, share church info and events, etc.)
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): Rehearsals will be from 1-2pm in the Banquet Hall on Sundays, March 3, March 10, March 17, & March 24. Are you available to attend all rehearsals?
KIDS CHOIR (ASSISTING CHOIR DIRECTOR): The CCCV Kids Easter Choir performance will be in the Sanctuary during 8:30am & 11am Easter Sunday services. The Kids Choir will be performing 3 songs during worship before Pastor David's teaching. Are you available to assist with the Kids Choir during Easter Sunday services?
Chino Days: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
Booth Interactions & Set-Up (1:00pm-4:30pm)
Booth Interactions & Tear-Down (4:00pm-7:30pm)
Chino Days: Please select any of the booth interactions below if you are interested in specifically participating in these activities.
Face Painting
Balloon Creations
Talking with Families
T.E.A.M. Bowling Party: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
Event & Check-In (1:15pm-4:15pm)
Event & Check-Out (1:30pm-4:30pm)
Mountain Movers: When are you available to serve?
3:00pm - 5:00pm - Prep. & Set-Up - FRIDAY
8:00am - 10:00am - Set-Up - Saturday
9:30am - 1:30pm - Event - Saturday
1:30pm - 3:00pm - Tear-Down - Saturday
Mountain Movers: In what area would you prefer to serve?
Nursery (0-2 yr olds)
Pre-K (3 & 4 yr olds)
K – 3rd Grade
4th – 6th Grade
Special Needs
Mountain Movers: How would you like to help during set-up? (8am – 10:00am)
Area Prep (moving tables, chairs, props, etc.)
Décor Prep (blowing up balloons, putting up décor, setting the photo ops, etc.)
Activity Prep (readying games, soft play, etc.)
Food Prep
Mountain Movers: How would you like to help during the event? (9:30am – 1:30pm)
Guide Kids
Snacks and Lunch
Registration Table
KidCheck Stations
Worship Team
Mountain Movers: How would you like to help during tear down? (1:30am – 3:00pm)
Room Resets
Décor Tear Down
Activity Clean Up
Food Clean Up
CHINO OUTREACHES: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR, JULY 1ST - Booth Set-Up (11:30am-2:00pm)
FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR, JULY 1ST - Booth Interactions (1ST ROTATION 2:00pm-4:30pm)
FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR, JULY 1ST - Booth Interactions (2nd ROTATION 4:30pm-7:00pm)
FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR, JULY 1ST - Booth Tear-Down (7:00pm-9:00pm)
KIDS APOLOGETICS FORUM: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
Set-Up (8:00am - 12:30pm)
Clean-Up (8:30am - 1:00pm)
Set-Up & Clean-Up (8:00am - 1:00pm)
KIDS CAMP: Please select the day you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
Work Day - Wednesday, May 31st from 4pm-6pm
Work Day - Wednesday, June 7th from 4pm-6pm
Departure Team - Friday, June 9th at 10:30am
Departure Team - Friday, June 9th at 12:30pm
Departure Team - Friday, June 9th at 2:00pm
Arrival Team - Sunday, June 11th at 12:30pm
Chino Youth Christmas Parade: Please select the area(s) you would like to serve in.
Parade Float Set-Up: Thursday, December 7th (10 servants needed)
Parade: Saturday, December 9th (5 servants needed)
Chino Youth Christmas Parade Float Set-Up: Please select the timeslot(s) you are available to serve.
Thursday, Dec. 7th at CCCV South Parking Lot: 3pm - 4:30pm
Thursday, Dec. 7th at CCCV South Parking Lot: 4:30pm - 6pm
Chino Youth Christmas Parade
Please arrive at 7:45am on the corner of Yorba & Riverside to assist with the parade on Saturday, December 9th.
CHINO OUTREACHES: Please select the time frame you are available to serve. Select all that apply.
SUMMER NIGHTS, JULY 28TH - Booth Set-Up (4:30pm-6:00pm)
SUMMER NIGHTS, JULY 28TH - Booth Interactions (6:00pm-8:00pm)
SUMMER NIGHTS, JULY 28TH - Booth Tear-Down (8:00pm-8:30pm)
Should be Empty: