Saving Your Application
We wouldn't want you to lose any of your time or effort filling out this application due to an unexpected internet outage, browser error, or if you have to step away before completing and submitting.
The following instructions will show you how to save your application as you go. There are options presented for saving on a desktop computer / laptop or via mobile phone. Be sure to read your relevant section in full before moving through the steps.
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Saving (on a desktop computer / laptop)
At the bottom of this page, you should see an icon that looks like this:
Clicking that icon will let you save your application.
A prompt will then ask you to login via Google or Facebook, or to "Sign up with Email". We recommend you instead click the option at the very bottom, which is a link that reads "Skip Create an Account".
Then type in your e-mail address and hit "Send". You will be e-mailed a link (which is unique to you) that you can click to return to your application at any point if you cannot complete it now.
NOTE: When you return to your application, it will take you back to the beginning - but use the green dots at the bottom of the screen to skip forward to where you left off.
As you move through the application, a green arrow will show on top of the save icon to confirm your work is being saved. It will look like this:
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Saving (on a mobile phone / tablet)
At the bottom of this page, you should see an icon that looks like this:
Clicking that icon will let you take you to the following page. Clicking the circled icon will let you save your application.
A prompt will then ask you to login via Google or Facebook, or to "Sign up with Email". We recommend you instead click the option at the very bottom, which is a link that reads "Skip Create an Account".
Then type in your e-mail address and hit "Send". You will be e-mailed a link (which is unique to you) that you can click to return to your application at any point if you cannot complete it now.
NOTE: When you return to your application, it will take you back to the beginning - but use the arrows at the bottom of the page to scroll through to where you left off.