Purpose and Explanation of Service: I understand that the purpose of the exercise program is to develop & maintain cardio respiratory fitness, balance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. The programs include, but are not limited to aerobic exercise, flexibility, balance and strength training.
Risks: I understand and have been informed that the possibility of adverse changes exists when engaging in physical activity program. I take full responsibility to contact my doctor before beginning an exercise program and have either answered "no" all questions of me in the "Physical Activity & Medical Questionnaire" or have answered "yes" to 1 or more questions and have provided a doctors note authorizing my participation in an exercise program. I've been informed that the following changes could occur during my training program while engaging in physical activity: abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heart rhythm, stroke, elevated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, sweating, fatigue, increased respiration, muscle soreness, cramping and nausea & very rare instances of heart attack or even death. I understand that every effort will be made to minimize these occurrences, but knowing those risks, it is my desire to partake in the recommended activities.
Inquiries and Freedom of Consent: I've been given an opportunity to ask questions about the exercise program. I further understand that there are also other remote health risks. Despite the fact that a complete accounting of all these remote risks has not been provided to me, I still desire to proceed with the exercise program.
COVID-19 Policy: An inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 exists in any public place where people are present. Covid-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By visiting training location, you voluntarily all risks related to exposure to Covid-19. By booking a session and entering our facility with any of our trainers you agree to follow all of the health & safety protocols set forth by Cate Sanders. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the facility. You agree that you will not enter the facility or go through a training session if: )You have been diagnosed with or suspected of having Covid-19. 2)You have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath. 3)You have 2 or more of Covid-19 symptoms(fever, chills, headache, loss of taste/smell, diarrhea, muscle pain, sore throat, vomiting, cough or shortness of breath 4)You have had close contact or cared for a person with Covid-19 in the past 14 days. 5) You have traveled outside the US or California in the past 14 days.
Late & Cancellation Policy: If you miss a scheduled appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged for the scheduled training session (except under special circumstances or in case of an unforeseen emergency Clients arriving late will receive the remaining scheduled session time, unless other arrangements have been previously made with the trainer. If you are more than 15 minutes late, I reserve the option to leave the gym and your session will be lost.
Payment: Payments must be made before or at the time of the session. No personal training refunds will be issued for any reason, including but not limited to relocation, illness or unused sessions.
Trainer Holidays, Vacation and Absences: Your trainer will provide you with at least 10 days notice for any prolonged trainer absences. Your trainer will discuss alternative personal training arrangements with you.
I acknowledge that I've read this document in its entirety & I consent to the rendition of all services and procedures as explained herein by my personal trainer & that all questions I had concerning the agreement have been answered to my satisfaction. This signed agreement covers all sessions purchased now & any in the future which will be listed.