To submit your application complete as much as is known on the form below, with all asterisked questions re: Employer contact information and certification being required. Other fields can be updated with the REV-UP! representative at a later date but will need to be provided prior to contract execution for mentor wage subsidy reimbursement.
Please be advised that your company and project may be highlighted in a press release and/or used for Economic Development Metrics issued by the state. In addition, your company will be required to submit reporting data regarding your program participation up to 12 months after your application. Company propriertary or trade secret information will not be disclosed.
By submitting this form, you acknowledge that the information provided will be collected by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT).
CCAT Privacy Policy
CCAT's REV-UP! team will review your application, and schedule meetings as soon as possible to review your application and discuss REV-UP! details and timelines.
If you have any questions, please contact Marianne Martinez at or 860-282-4204 for North Central CT employers (Capital Workforce Partners geographic region) or Eileen Candels at or 860-558-5796 for all other areas outside of North Central CT.
CCAT received support for this project from the Office of Workforce Solutions CareerConneCT program.