Cookie Cupboard Error Report Form
Submit this Cookie Cupboard Error Report if you are experiencing an error with your cookie cupboard transaction, or if you have a cupboard transaction incorrectly given to you.
First Name
Last Name
Troop Number
Which Cookie Cupboard?
Please Select
Apple Valley Cupboard
Blaine Cupboard
Burnsville (Express) Cupboard
Colombia Heights Cupboard
Eden Prairie Cupboard
Mankato Cupboard
Maplewood (Express) Cupboard
Oakdale Cupboard
Rochester Cupboard
Date of Cookie Cupboard Transaction
Date Picker Icon
Order Number(s).This can be found on the "Manage Orders" page in Smart Cookies.
Error Type
Loaded to vehicle incorrectly - The transaction does not match the total number received.
You did not go to cupboard, but you transferred cookies to an incorrect troop.
You are missing a transaction in Smart Cookies.
Please provide any additional comments about the transaction:
Example: the cookie variety and quantity with the error
Should be Empty: