Teacher Mailing List Sign up
Here teachers can sign up to be on the Mailing list for Oxford Scientist Competition Releases. Articles will be judged by our panel of experts, and the winning article will be published in the next issue of The Oxford Scientist magazine and online. Students must be attending a school, college or sixth form student in the UK in Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12, Year 13 (or equivalent) to take part in the competition. We extend our thanks to our sponsors Examable and UK Schooling for their generous support.
This form is only for Teachers.
or get in touch via competition@oxsci.org for any enquiries such as being home schooled or mitigating circumstances.
I confirm that I am a school/college/sixth form Teacher in the UK and would like to be added to the Mailing List to be notified about future competition releases and extra detailed tips for students? (Can remove from mailing list anytime by emailing competition@oxsci.org)
(Optional) Are you interested in Olympiad and Oxford Scientist Competition talks delivered at your school by our partner and The Oxford Scientist?
Teacher and School Information
Title of UK Teacher/Staff submitting the entry (eg Dr, Mr, Ms, Rev....)
Name of UK Teacher/Staff
First Name
Last Name
What is your educational role? (eg Subject Teacher, Form Tutor, Head of Science...)
School Name and County
Name of UK School
County of School
Type of School
State funded Comprehensive/Academy/Non selective
State funded Grammar/Selective
Private School
International School in the UK
Special Requirements School
Please enter and confirm your School/College teacher email
How did you hear about the Oxford Scientist Schools Competition? (select all that apply)
Ran the competition before
Email from Oxford Scientist
Other Teachers
Royal Society of Chemistry
Facebook, Instagram, The Student Rooms
Welsh Government
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