The Foundation's Community Grant Program supports organizations throughout Maryland that include golf and/or the benefits of playing golf in their mission and seek to grow participation through inclusive practices and youth involvement.
The Community Grant Program supports:
- Organizations that provide unique access to golf courses and/or golf clubs.
- Organizations that reduce the cost for youth to play a round of golf.
- Organizations that facilitate opportunities for instruction, competition and access to equipment.
- Organizations that promote innovative programs specifically targeting underrepresented groups.
- Organizations looking to improve facilities that directly support golf related actitivities for youth.
Community Grant Timeline:
February 15, 2025- Community Grant Applications open
April 1, 2025- Deadline for submitting Community Grant Applications
Grants awarded cover the period beginning July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026.
Organizations that are awarded grant support are required to submit a post grant report by March 1st, 2025.
Awarded grantees are required to submit their Proof of Match documentation by December 15th.
Caves Valley Golf Club Foundation
2910 Blendon Road
Owings Mills, MD 21117