Mass Save Renovations & Additions Interest Form
This form helps us determine if your project is a good fit for the Mass Save Renovations & Additions program. Keep in mind that if this program isn't a fit, there are other programs available through Mass Save.
First Name
Last Name
Your role:
Company Name (if applicable)
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Project Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
If you are a homeowner, please provide builder's Name, Email and Phone.
Has the building department asked for a HERS Rating for your project? (The 2023 MA Stretch code now requires a HERS Rating for significant renovations or additions)
Do you have architects plans for your project?
Yes (please upload at the bottom of this form)
No (please note there will be an additional charge for us to measure your house and develop a basic set of plans.
Is your project a single family or multi-family home?
Please Select
Single Family
Multi Family (2 units)
Multi Family (3 units)
Multi Family (4+ units)
Is your project 3 stories or less? (not including basement)
Please Select
Are you replacing some or all of your Heating, Cooling and AC Equipment (HVAC)?
Please Select
Yes, whole house, gas or propane
Yes, whole house, electric heat pumps
Yes, whole house, heat pumps w/ gas backup
Yes, partial home, gas or propane
Yes, partial home, electric heat pumps
How many ducted HVAC systems will you have post construction?
Please Select
5 or more
What is the primary heating source CURRENTLY?
Electric with gas or propane backup
Something else (please explain in very last box on this form)
What will the primary heating source be AFTER construction?
Electric with gas or propane backup
Something else (please explain in very last box on this form)
Are you replacing your hot water heater?
Please Select
Yes, natural gas or propane on demand (instant)
Yes, electric heat pump
Yes, indirect hot water from boiler
Yes, I was planning something else not listed here
No, keeping existing (if so please specify type and efficiency below)
AFTER Construction will your house/unit/building be ALL ELECTRIC? This means no gas for HVAC, hot water, kitchen stove, dryer or fireplace
Please Select
Yes, it will be all electric.
No, I'm keeping at least some gas
If you are keeping your existing hot water system, please tell us what type it is and the efficiency or model number if known.
Are you replacing windows?
Please Select
Yes, whole house/unit
Yes, only part of the house
If you are replacing windows in part of the house, please explain which rooms are getting new windows. For windows not being replaced please specify type of windows and how old you estimate they are. Please also upload your window quote if you have one.
Are you opening up EXTERIOR walls by removing drywall, plaster or other wall covering material?
Please Select
100% (full gut)
Something less than 100%
If you are not opening up 100% of the exterior walls, please specify specific rooms on your building plans that are not being opened up. Please use room labels or descriptions that match the building plans you sent us.
2023 Mass Stretch Code requires an ERV or HRV (if your project requires a HERS Rating). Have you selected an ERV or HRV yet? If so, please provide the brand and model number.
Do any of the following apply to your project?
I plan to insulate attic rafters (even if architect's plans show insulation on flat part of attic)
I plan to insulate the basement walls (even if architects plans show no insulation on basement walls)
Has any demolition work within the home started?
Please Select
Are you applying for a Mass Save HEAT Loan?
Is your HVAC Contractor part of the Mass Save Heat Pump Installer Network (HPIN)? This is a requirement for Heat Pump rebates.
Please describe any other information we should know about your project.
If you have plans from an architect for this renovation or addition, please upload.
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