If you've reached this secure (SSL) website, you were provided with a specific "URL" assigned to you by Carlin House Assisted Living's Network Administrator:
"Cody Clark, CCNA"
"Cisco Certified Network Administrator"
You may use this secure & encrypted webpage to securely upload any requested documentation and/or photographs. All content uploaded using this form is delivered directly to Carlin House's secure, dedicated web server.
All confidential content uploaded and submitted is automatically purged and scrubbed from Carlin House Assisted Living's server within 90 seconds of the attachment being opened by the recipient to protect any highly sensitive information.
→ To upload your requested content, select the "browse" button below, locate the file(s) on your electronic device, and finish by clicking "Submit Secure Content". (you will notice your information has automatically been sent to this server via Carlin House Assisted Living with means of making this server solely dedicated to you).