I declare that I am the impacted party in the abovementioned claimed and that the information above is my direct account. I confirm that I am 18 years or older, and that all information provided above is true and is given with my full consent, of my own free will, and not under duress.
I understand that the information provided will be used to address the matters identified herein in an attempt to bring resolve to my claims. I understand that failure to provide all of the information requested herein may prevent or delay the resolution of my claim. I understand that additional information may be requested by the Parkers and/or their legal and financial team and I agree to comply with their discovery process and any requests made of me.
I further understand that, any person with intent to defraud, falsely makes, alters, forges or counterfiets information or documentation is in violation of state law and could be liable for criminal and civil penalties.