Organizing youth for social change.
Youth Name
First Name
Last Name
Tell us about your activism experience. Please select all that apply.
Volunteer with Don't Shoot Portland
Participated in the Children's Art & Social Justice Council (CASJC) organized by Don't Shoot Portland
Participated in one of Don't Shoot Portland's youth programs (Spring Breakout, Juneteenth Art Camp or CASJC events)
Participated in a protest and/or march
Participated and/or organized events at my school
I am a member and/or represent a Black Student Union.
None yet. I'm interested in becoming a youth activist.
If you participated in a protest and/or organized an event at your school briefly describe the event. What inspired you to take action? Was a resolution reached?
Please provide a brief description of the event
What form(s) of activism interest you most? Please select all that apply.
Organizing local youth and/or a group at my school
Organizing an event/protest
Public speaking
Creating art as a form of free speech (art, photography, print media, digital media, performances etc.)
Community outreach (connecting with other organizations, community partners and businesses to support social change.)
Volunteering with Don't Shoot Portland (Community Service & Feed In, Community Clothing Tree and other events hosted by DSPDX.)
Do you feel activism is important for social change to occur? Please explain.
Provide a brief response
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Should be Empty: