Ice Fest Initiatives
One of our major goals with the Michigan Ice Fest is building a bigger, better, stronger climbing community. We've grown from a few people, to a family that extends around the world. A lot has changed, and we want that change to be positive. So we are always working to make our community, and our world, a better place. Please consider supporting these causes that we are passionate about:
Carbon Neutral Ice Fest - Our world is being impacted by climate change and we can't ignore that we are part of the problem. Each year this event results in tons of carbon being released into the atmosphere. This is a problem we can fix, and you can help. Every person who drives to the event creates, on average, about 500lbs of CO2. We are encouraging everyone to try to reduce the total CO2 produced by filling every seat in your car and driving fewer cars to the festival. In addition to trying to reduce, since you have to get there somehow, we're giving you the opportunity to help us offset your CO2 emissions through a donation to our offset program. 100% of this donation will go to carbon offset projects through Alex Honnold's Honnold Foundation which helps expand equitable solar energy access in marginalized communities, reducing the need to for more detrimental energy sources.
Detroit Outdoors at Ice Fest - In 2020 we started working with several organizations in the BIPOC community who are creating opportunities for people of color in the outdoors. We are working to make the festival more inclusive and open and have enjoyed working with organizers at Detroit Outdoors to reach this goal. 100% of donations will go to Detroit Outdoors to create opportunities for people of color at Ice Fest.