I, {parentName}, and my child, {playerName}, are checking out a loaner uniform set (hereby known as 'equipment') from Carson D.U.C.K.S Basketball. We are borrowing this equipment and understand that it must be returned to Carson D.U.C.K.S Basketball within the first month of borrowing (or once we order and receive our full uniform set). There is a refundable deposit due in order to receive the 4 items.
We acknowledge that the equipment is working properly and is in good condition. We take full responsibility for any loss or damage done to any piece of the equipment by my child, myself, or any person, or persons, during the checkout period. To recoup Carson D.U.C.K.S Basketball for any equipment loss or damage, accidental or intentional, we must pay a refundable deposit of $100 to checkout the equipment. The refundable deposit returned unless these is equipment loss or damage and in that case it will be used to replace and order new equipment.
By signing and submitting this form, we acknowlede and agree to the responsibilities of checking out the equipment.